ICT blogs
Our ICT blogs mostly cover how-to instructions to fix idiosyncratic problems with specific open-source technologies.
- AI blog: https://johnsaiblog.blogspot.com
- Websites: https://johnswebmastery.blogspot.com
- ownCloud/NextCloud: https://johnsowncloud.blogspot.com
- Moodle: https://johnsmoodlehelp.blogspot.com
- Filegator: https://johnsfilegator.blogspot.com
- General ICT/Windows: https://johnoscomputertips.blogspot.com
- WordPress: https://johnswordpressblog.blogspot.com
- Apple Mac: https://johnsmactips.blogspot.com
- MySQL: https://johnsmysqlblog.blogspot.com
- Linux: https://johnslinuxpage.blogspot.com
- Article on risks of DeepFakes: https://johnsfuturism.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-risks-of-deepfakes-and-proposal-to.html
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